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  • Writer's pictureErskine College

Guy Fawkes Day

On the evening of Sunday, November Fifth, as the sun had set on the first day after the time change the previous night, cannon fire rang in the festivities as a roaring bonfire raged. This was not just any bonfire, but a celebration of Guy Fawkes Day, a popular holiday in the United Kingdoms. This holiday came about after the failed attempt by Guido Fawkes and other conspirators to blow up Parliament and the king of England in 1605 during the infamous Gunpowder Plot (inspiring the book and movie V for Vendetta).

Through the actions of the History Department and a band of students, the event was pulled together to highlight the new International Studies major offered by Erskine. After students constructed a massive bonfire and an effigy of Guy Fawkes, the night was ready to commence. A motley gathering of students arrived and watched as Dr. Abu Sarah and some students delivered a monologue and sentenced Guy Fawkes to his fate, chanting, “Remember, Remember the Fifth of November.” The effigy of Fawkes was set afire and was soon engulfed in flames as the bonfire roared. The Euphemian Literary Society attended, as well, providing fuel for the fire and firing their cannon at the end of the speech. As the drinks and food flowed, the celebration lasted for hours until the fire eventually died down. The conspirators of this celebration plan for this to be a yearly holiday celebrated on campus, so next year, remember the Fifth of November and celebrate Guy Fawkes Day.

Article by Sloan Bradley

Picture from Sloan Bradley



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