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  • Writer's pictureErskine College

2023 ResLife Games

Updated: Dec 4, 2023

The last week of September marked another year of Erskine’s annual ResLife Games. The week-long event where students from each dorm compete against each other in various games. The goal is to get points in hopes of winning the trophy at the end along with a year’s worth of bragging rights. Points come from winning games but also from attendance. The more students who show up to cheer on their dorm, the more points.

September 24th started the week off with the traditional boat race. Each dorm had to build a boat out of cardboard and duct tape and race it across the pool. Each boat had to contain two students and stay together until the finish line. This year, the boat race was planned by Bonner and Kennedy Resident Director Gabe Golden. The event was won by Honors Housing (Edwards and McQuiston).

September 25th was food roulette planned by Carnegie and Robinson Resident Director Abbie Tucker. Food roulette has two dorm teams competing at a time to answer trivia questions. If a team gets a question wrong, they may spin a wheel with different odd foods to eat so they may still gain some points. The event was won by the Apartments and Villages.

September 26th was the relay race planned by Edwards and McQuiston Resident Director Morgan Roberts. The relay race consisted of three phases. First, stacking cups using only a balloon. Second, filling a bucket of water with only a sponge. Third, carrying a balloon between two students’ backs over an obstacle then popping it. The event was won by Grier.

Finally, September 27th was the taskmaster event planned by Grier and Pressly Resident Director Thomas Zentmeyer. Taskmaster consisted of several minigames played by representatives from each dorm. Tasks such as painting with a very long paintbrush, guessing what mystery ingredients were in a bag, and a Pictionary type game. The end of taskmaster revealed that Honors housing had won the 2023 ResLife Games!

Edwards and McQuiston residents are very excited to have won for the second year in a row. Morgan Roberts commented on her students’ win, “I am so proud of how the two honors dorms pulled together to compete in ResLife games. Their community and commitment to support each other was beautiful to see!” Chris Gray, a sophomore and RA of McQuiston, shared in Morgan’s excitement, “I was super excited to hear that honors had won for the second year in a row. Despite me not being a part of honors or ResLife last year, I still wanted to continue the streak. I intend to continue winning ResLife Games in the future.” Savannah Cannon, RA of Edwards, had a particular reason for being excited about the win. She stated, “I felt super excited to win ResLife Games, especially as a senior RA. The honors kids did a great job of showing up to events and giving it their all, which is why we were able to win!” Now, for the second year, the ResLife Games trophy stands tall on the Edwards lobby mantle.

Article by Shannon K. Talbert

Picture from Jadan James



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